International Students

International students who seek an F visa or M visa to allow them to study at PHSC have special documents and deadline dates they must follow to ensure the timely approval of their request. International students are required to fill out the PHSC application and return the completed application packet, all required documents and the $40 application fee to the Admissions and Student Records office. The application deadline dates are:


Associate in Arts and Associate in Science Degree programs (excluding the Limited Access Health programs)

Fall (August) term: June 15

Spring (January) term: November 1

Summer (May) term: March 15


Associate in Science - Professional Pilot Technology

Fall (August) term: May 15

Spring (January) term: October 1

Summer (May) term: February 15

To receive an International Student application packet, contact the Admissions and Student Records office at to have an application packet emailed.