Core Values

Through a process that invited the suggestions of PHSC administrators, faculty, staff and students, while developing the 2021-2024 Strategic Plan, five core values key to the College's success were identified. In April 2022, the PHSC District Board of Trustees refined the values that have, indeed, been inherent to the College's progress since its founding in 1972-both grounding PHSC and spurring our expansion.

The five core values:

Excellence: Continuous improvement in teaching, learning, operations, and service through innovation, responsiveness, and rigorous data analysis create the expectation for and delivery of exceptional educational, workplace and community achievements.

Integrity: Civility, stewardship, accountability, and a commitment to safety create an environment of transparency, trust, and respect at all levels within the College and with our community stakeholders.

Success: A commitment to student and employee engagement, development, and achievement creates a holistic focus on the competencies and skills that will empower students and employees to make positive decisions for educational attainment, career advancement, and personal growth. 

Equity: Intentional actions taken to ensure the fair treatment of all and the commitment to make necessary interventions to advance underserved individuals and groups through inclusion and measurable support create a diverse and rewarding educational and workplace culture.

Community: Engaging, serving, and partnering with our community creates a mutually beneficial relationship that expands and enhance the educational, entrepreneurial, and economic opportunities to improve our quality of life.