A. Level I Offenses
The following described acts of misconduct shall be referred to as “Level I Offenses.” The potential sanctions for Level I Offenses may include any one, a combination of two or more, or all of these sanctions: written warning, temporary loss of privileges, written reprimand, monetary restitution, and/or work/service restitution.
A.1 Attempted or actual theft or and/or damage to property of the College or property of a member of the College community or other personal or public property, the total value of which does not exceed $100;
A.2 Conduct that is disorderly; a breach of peace; or aiding, abetting or procuring another person to breach the peace;
A.3 Gambling, including unlawful games of chance for money or anything of value, and the sale, barter, or other disposition of a ticket, order, or any interest in a scheme of chance by any name;
A.4 Unauthorized or fraudulent use of the College’s name, seal, emblem, nickname, or motto;
A.5 Unauthorized use of College property;
A.6 Disruption or interference with teaching, administration, disciplinary proceedings, or other College functions, activities, or operations;
A.7 Violation of a College rule, a county ordinance, or a State or Federal misdemeanor offense involving no bodily injury to any person;
A.8 Unauthorized entry and/or occupancy of College facilities, including unauthorized possession, duplication, or use of keys to any College facility;
A.9 Trespass on College grounds;
A.10 Conspiracy or solicitation to commit an unlawful act or to violate any College rule;
A.11 At least three or more incidences of violation of traffic rules while on College property;
A.12 Failure to comply with the directions of College officials or law enforcement officers acting in the performance of their duties;
A.13 Participation in a campus demonstration or unauthorized assembly that materially or substantially disrupts the normal operations of the College and infringes on the rights of other members of the College community; leading or inciting others to materially or substantially disrupt scheduled activities in any campus building or area; or intentional obstruction that unreasonably interferes with freedom of movement, either pedestrian or vehicular, on campus. For purposes of this provision, "materially and substantially disrupts" shall mean any conduct not otherwise protected by the First Amendment, that intentionally and significantly hinders College operations or another person's or group's expressive rights;
A.14 Permitting another to use his or her College identification card, impersonating another, or misrepresenting being authorized to act on behalf of another;
A.15 Knowingly instituting a false charge against another;
A.16 Smoking and tobacco product use on campus;
A.17 Unsupervised and unattended children on campus;
A.18 Improperly dispersing litter, in any form or from any point on campus, throwing or dropping any object or material from a College building.