Criminal Justice Technology, Associate in Science

The purpose of this program is to provide a professional background to those preparing for careers in law enforcement, corrections and private security. The program is designed for those who plan to pursue a two-year degree program in law enforcement. Students who wish to transfer any credits from this program to another institution must accept the responsibility for securing approval in advance from that institution.

Program Code: AS-CJJ

General Education Requirements

ENC 1101English Composition I

3 cr.

AMH 2020History of the United States II

3 cr.


POS 2041American Federal Government

3 cr.

CGS 1100Microcomputer Applications

3 cr.

Any Area II Mathematics course listed in the Associate in Science Degree Program Requirements

3 cr.

Any Area III Natural Sciences course listed in the Associate in Science Degree Program Requirements

3 cr.

Any Area V Humanities course listed in the Associate in Science Degree Program Requirements

3 cr.

Total Credit Hours:18

Program Professional Courses

CCJ 2010Criminology

3 cr.

CJC 1000Introduction to Corrections

3 cr.

CJE 1000Introduction to Law Enforcement

3 cr.

CJE 1300Police Organization and Administration

3 cr.

CJE 1500Police Operations

3 cr.

CJE 2601Introduction to Criminal Investigation

3 cr.

CJL 2100Criminal Law

3 cr.

DEP 2302Adolescent Psychology

3 cr.

MNA 1100Interpersonal Behavior in Organizations

3 cr.

SPC 2608Introduction to Public Speaking

3 cr.

PSY 1012Introduction to Psychology

3 cr.

CJE 2400Police Community Relations

3 cr.

CJE 1640Criminalistics

3 cr.

CJL 2062Rules of Evidence for Police

3 cr.

Total Credit Hours:42

Note(s): Upon recommendation of the director of law enforcement and corrections programs and the dean of workforce development and career and technical education, a maximum of 15 hours of credit may be awarded to students who pass the Florida Law Enforcement State Officer Certification Examination. A maximum of nine (9) credits will be awarded for students who pass the Florida Corrections State Officer Certification Examination.

To be awarded credit, students must be declared into the PHSC AS degree program in Criminal Justice Technology and also must have completed 15 credits in the program. All credit awards will be processed only upon submission of Form ILE-8 Petition for Law Enforcement Credit with the proper validation attached. Interested students should contact an advisor to begin the process.

Total Credit Hours: 60

Credit Awarded-State Certification Exams

Law Enforcement Certification

CJE 1000Introduction to Law Enforcement

3 cr.

CJE 1300Police Organization and Administration

3 cr.

CJE 1500Police Operations

3 cr.

CJE 2601Introduction to Criminal Investigation

3 cr.

CJL 2100Criminal Law

3 cr.

Correctional Officer Certification

CJC 1000Introduction to Corrections

3 cr.

CJE 1300Police Organization and Administration

3 cr.

CJL 2100Criminal Law

3 cr.