Withdrawal, Forgiveness and Allowable Number of Attempts for College-Credit Courses


The following guidelines relate to student withdrawal from college-credit courses and to conditions under which forgiveness for grades earned will be granted to the student.

  1. Withdrawal
    1. Students may withdraw without academic penalty from any course by the last date to withdraw as published in the College Calendar. Withdrawals after that date will be granted only through established institutional procedures which include submitting a personal statement detailing what occurred that led to the late withdrawal request. The personal statement must have supporting documentation and a notice from the faculty with the last date of attendance.
    2. Students will be permitted a maximum of two withdrawals per course. Upon the third attempt, students will not be permitted to withdraw and will receive the grade earned for that course
  2. Forgiveness
    1. Grade forgiveness is a process of repeating a course in which the student was awarded a "D" or "F" grade for their first attempt and the new grade earned is substituted for the original "D" or "F" grade.
    2. Forgiveness is limited to courses in which students earned "D" or "F" grades. Exceptions may be granted only through an academic appeals process.
    3. Students' course grades may be forgiven twice
    4. If students repeat a course, only the last grade earned will be used in computing the grade point average (GPA). All attempts of a course will be shown on the permanent student record. Courses which use P, F, N, S, W, U or X grades are not counted in computing the GPA.
    5. Courses may be repeated if they are designated as repeatable, individualized courses of study; if they are required to be repeated by a regulatory agency; or if they are being repeated as a part of regulatory requirement for continuing education to stay current in a field, such as teacher certification.
  3. Total attempts
    1. College Credit 

      Students may have only three attempts per course, including the original grade, repeat grades and withdrawals at any point in the semester. A fourth attempt may be allowed only through a written appeal to the Executive Vice President and Chief Academic Officer/College Provost, which would be based upon major extenuating circumstances as approved by the District Board of Trustees. When registering for a class for the third attempt, students will be assessed the total cost of instruction. A student who received a grade of D, F, W (withdrawal), or X (audit) in any mathematics course, will not be allowed to retake the same course online. A student may choose to retake the same mathematics course in a traditional face-to-face or hybrid format only.

    2. Developmental Education Courses

      Students will be permitted only three attempts per course including the original grade, repeat grades and withdrawals within each developmental education skill area. Students will not be permitted a fourth attempt in a developmental education course. When registering for a third attempt, students will be assessed the total cost of instruction.

    3. Audit Enrollment

      An audit enrollment shall not count as an attempt unless such enrollment is declared after the end of the drop/add period. Developmental education students who must be certified as completing the competency-based developmental education instruction shall not be enrolled as audits. 

    4. Technical Credit and Non-college Credit Courses

      The allowable number of attempts for college-credit courses identified above does not apply to technical credit and noncollege credit courses.