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ACG - Accounting: General
AMH - American History
AML - American Literature
AML - American Literature
AMS - American Studies
ANT - Anthropology
ARH - Art History
ART - Art
ASC - Aviation Administration
ASL - American Sign Language
AST - Astronomy
ATF - Professional Pilot Technology
ATT - Professional Pilot Technology
AVM-Aviation Management
BCN - Building Construction
BRC - Banking Related Courses
BSC - Biological Sciences
BUL - Business Law
CAP - Computer Applications
CCJ - Criminology and Criminal Justice
CET - Computer Engineering Technology
CGS - Computers: General Studies
CHM - Chemistry
CIS - Computer and Information Systems
CJC - Corrections
CJE - Law Enforcement
CJK-Criminal Justice Basic Training (Technical Credit)
CJK 0001
CJK 0011
CJK 0012
CJK 0013
CJK 0014
CJK 0017
CJK 0020
CJK 0023
CJK 0024
CJK 0025
CJK 0026
CJK 0029
CJK 0027
CJK 0028
CJK 0031
CJK 0032
CJK 0040
CJK 0041
CJK 0051
CJK 0052
CJK 0061
CJK 0062
CJK 0064
CJK 0065
CJK 0076
CJK 0077
CJK 0078
CJK 0084
CJK 0087
CJK 0088
CJK 0092
CJK 0096
CJK 0212
CJK 0223
CJK 0290
CJK 0291
CJK 0292
CJK 0294
CJK 0300
CJK 0305
CJK 0310
CJK 0315
CJK 0320
CJK 0325
CJK 0330
CJK 0335
CJK 0340
CJK 0350
CJK 0351
CJK 0352
CJK 0353
CJK 0393
CJK 0422
CJL - Law & Process
CLP - Clinical Psychology
CNT - Computer Networks
COM - Communication
COP - Computer Programming
CPO - Comparative Politics
CRW - Creative Writing
CTS - Computer Technology and Skills (Technical Credit)
CVT - Cardiovascular Technology (Technical Credit)
DEA Dental Assisting (Technical Credit)
DEH - Dental Support
DEP - Developmental Psychology
DES - Dental Support
DSC - Domestic Security
ECO - Economics
EDF - Education: Foundations and Policy Studies
EDG - Education: General
EDH - Education: Higher
EDP - Educational Psychology
EEC - Education: Early Childhood
EET - Electronic Engineering Technology
EEV - Electrical/Electronic: Vocational (Technical Credit)
EME - Education: Technology and Media
EMS - Emergency Medical Services
ENC - English Composition
ENG - English: General
ENL - English Literature
ENT - Entrepreneurship
EOC - Ocean Engineering
EPI - Educator Preparation Institute
ESC - Earth Science
ETC - Engineering Technology: Civil
ETD - Engineering Technology: Drafting
ETI - Engineering Technology: Industrial
ETM - Engineering Technology: Mechanical
ETS - Engineering Technology: Specialty
EUH - European History
EXP - Experimental Psychology
FFP - Fire Fighting & Protection
FIL - Film
FIN - Banking Related Courses
FRE - French Language
GEA - Geography: Regional Areas
GEB - General Business
GER - German
GEY - Gerontology
GIS Geographic Information Systems
GLY - Geology
HCP - Health Care Providers (Assistants) (Technical Credit)
HIM - Health Information Management (Technical Credit)
HIS - General History and Historiography
HSA - Health Services Administration
HSC - Health Sciences (Technical Credit)
HUM - Humanities
HUN - Human Nutrition
HUS - Human Services
IDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
INR - International Relations
ISM - Information Systems Management
ISS - Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
JOU - Journalism
LDR - Leadership Studies
LIS - Library and Information Studies
LIT - Literature
MAC - Mathematics: Calculus and Precalculus
MAN - Management
MAP - Mathematics: Technical and Business
MAR - Marketing
MAT - Mathematics
MCB - Microbiology
MEA - Medical Assisting Technology (Technical Credit)
MET - Meteorology
MGF - Mathematics: General and Finite
MKA - Marketing Applications
MNA - Management
MSL - Military Science Leadership
MTB - Mathematics: Technical and Business
MTG - Mathematics: Topology and Geometry
MUL - Music: Literature
MUN - Music: Music Ensembles
MUT - Music: Theory
NSP - Nursing: Special
NUR - Nursing: Special
OCE - Oceanography: General
ORI - Oral Interpretation
OST - Office Systems Technology
OTA - Office Technology Applications (Technical Credit)
PAD - Public Administration
PAX - Peace Studies
PEL - Physical Education: Object Centered
PEM - Physical Education: Performance Centered
PGY - Photography
PHI - Philosophy
PHM - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
PLA - Paralegal Legal Assistant Legal Administration
PMT - Precisions Metals Technology (Technical Credit)
POS - Political Science
PPE - Personality
PRN - Practical Nursing (Technical Credit)
PSC - Physical Sciences
PSY - Psychology
PTN - Pharmacy Technician (Technical Credit)
QMB - Quantitative Methods in Business
REA - Reading
REE - Real Estate
REL - Religion and Undergraduate
RMI - Risk Management and Insurance
RTE - Radiologic Technology
SCY - Security (Technical Credit)
SLS - StudentLife Skills Learning
SLS - StudentLife Skills Learning (Technical Credit)
SOP - Social Psychology
SPC - Speech Communication
SPN - Spanish Language
STA - Statistics
STS - Surgical Technology Studies (Technical Credit)
SYG - Sociology: General
SYO - Social Organization
TAX - Taxation
THE - Theatre Studies and General Resources
TPP - Theatre Performance and Performance Training
WCL - Ward Clerk (Technical Credit)
WOH - World History
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2020-2021 Catalog and Student Handbook
2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook
2022-2023 Catalog and Student Handbook
2023-2024 Catalog and Student Handbook
2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook
CJK 0001
Introduction to Law Enforcement
CJK 0011
Human Issues
CJK 0012
CJK 0013
Interactions in a Diverse Community
CJK 0014
Interviewing and Reporting Writing
CJK 0017
CJK 0020
CMS Law Enforcement Vehicle Operations
CJK 0023
Introduction to Law Enforcement (Auxiliary)
CJK 0024
Legal Concepts
CJK 0025
Patrol and Professional Communication
CJK 0026
Interactions in a Diverse Community (Auxiliary)
CJK 0029
Crime Scene and Courtroom Procedures
CJK 0027
Calls for Service and Arrest Procedures
CJK 0028
Traffic Stops and Crash Investigations
CJK 0031
CMS First Aid for Criminal Justice Officers
CJK 0032
CMS First Aid for Criminal Justice Officers Proficiency
CJK 0040
CMS Criminal Justice Firearms
CJK 0041
CMS Criminal Justice Firearms Proficiency
CJK 0051
CMS Criminal Justice—Defensive Tactics
CJK 0052
CMS Criminal Justice—Defensive Tactics
CJK 0061
Patrol I
CJK 0062
Patrol II
CJK 0064
Fundamentals of Patrol
CJK 0065
Calls for Service
CJK 0076
Crime Scene Investigations
CJK 0077
Criminal Investigations
CJK 0078
Crime Scene to Courtroom
CJK 0084
DUI Traffic Stops
CJK 0087
Traffic Stops
CJK 0088
Traffic Crash Investigations
CJK 0092
Critical Incidents
CJK 0096
Criminal Justice Officer Physical Fitness Training (Law Enforcement)
CJK 0212
Crossover Corrections to Law Enforcement High Liability
CJK 0223
Corrections Crossover to Law Enforcement Human Issues
CJK 0290
Correctional Crossover to Law Enforcement Introduction and Legal Review
CJK 0291
Correctional Crossover to Law Enforcement Human Interaction and Communications
CJK 0292
Correctional Crossover to Law Enforcement Response to Human Issues
CJK 0294
Correctional Crossover to Law Enforcement Patrol 2
CJK 0300
Introduction to Corrections
CJK 0305
CJK 0310
Officer Safety
CJK 0315
Facility and Equipment
CJK 0320
Intake and Release
CJK 0325
Supervising in a Correctional Facility
CJK 0330
Supervising Special Populations
CJK 0335
Responding to Incidents and Emergencies
CJK 0340
Officer Wellness and Physical Abilities
CJK 0350
Law Enforcement Crossover to Correctional Introduction and Legal
CJK 0351
Law Enforcement Crossover to Correctional Procedures
CJK 0352
Law Enforcement Crossover to Correctional Officer Safety
CJK 0353
Law Enforcement Crossover to Correctional Supervising Special Populations
CJK 0393
Crossover Program Updates
CJK 0422
Dart-Firing Stun Gun
Up one level
CJK-Criminal Justice Basic Training (Technical Credit)