Florida's Statewide Course Numbering System
Courses use prefixes and numbers that are assigned by Florida's Statewide Course Numbering System (SCNS) whenever possible. This numbering system is used by all public postsecondary institutions in Florida and some participating nonpublic institutions to facilitate the transfer of courses between participating institutions. Students, advisors and administrators use the online Statewide Course Numbering System to obtain course descriptions and other information to assist them in making decisions about course transfer between participating schools (please visit the Florida SCNS website: http://scns.fldoe.org). Individual schools control the title, credit and content of their own courses. Individual schools also assign the first digit of the course number to reflect the level of instruction at which the course is being offered. Course prefixes and the last three digits of the course numbers are assigned by members of statewide faculty committee appointed by the Florida Department of Education to oversee the SCNS system.